10 AI tools for developers

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has quickly integrated itself into the developer's toolkit. Proof of this is the remarkable growth of AI adoption between 2015 and 2019, where businesses utilising AI services surged by 270%. In 2015, only 10% of organisations considered implementing AI; by 2019, that figure had risen to 37%, and it seems too low compared to how helpful these tools are.

1)Tebnine for code completion:

It is an artificial intelligence tool for developers that provides code completion, available in various programming languages including java script and python.

Tebnine uses a machine learning algorithm of your code and predict the next line of code that you are likely to write. 

Tebnine is especially useful for Java script and Python programmers because it can help them write code faster and more accurately. 

Key features: 

  • Complete the code: tebnine can complete the snippets of the code instructions and functions. 
  • context-aware suggestions: adds document suggestions to the code you have already written, and this makes the suggestions more important.
  •  learning algorithm: Tebnine uses machine learning algorithm to learn from your code and predict the next line of your code learning.

2)Synk for code analysis and scanning security:

Sync is a cloud-based Code Analysis tool that can help developers find security vulnerabilities. Sync uses various techniques to analyze software learning, including machine learning, static analysis, and dynamic analysis.

Key features: 

  • machine learning: machine learning is used to identify patterns in the code associated with security vulnerabilities and compliance issues. 
  • static analysis: this artificial intelligence tool uses static analysis. 
  • dynamic analysis: Synk uses dynamic analysis to analyze the software instructions during their implementation.
  • poly coder: It is a software learning tool powered by artificial intelligence that can help developers create various programming languages, including Java and Python.

3)poly coder: 

Poly coder has been trained a huge dataset of code instructions, and it can create correct and idiomatic code instructions and also enable it to create code for specific tasks.

Key features:

  • Create code: polycoder can create code in different programming languages, including Java, Python, JavaScript, C, C++
  • Create a context-aware: it can create code based on the context of the code you wrote.

4)Outter.ai for meeting and transcription:

It is a meeting copying tool powered by artificial intelligence that can help developers to copy their meetings and collaborate effectively. 

Key features:

  • Automatic copying: it can copy meetings preventively.
  • identify the speaker: OTR can identify the speakers in the meeting and assign their words to them in the text. 
  • timestamps: it includes timestamps in its texts so that developers can easily find specific points. 
  • Search: this tool allows developers to search their texts for keywords and phrases. 
  • Collaboration: otter allows Morin to share their texts and collaborate on them.

5)Rewing.ai for documentation: 

An AI-powered instruction documentation tool acquired by Google. 

Helps developers to create clear and concise documentation for their code and processes. 

Key features:

  • Create documents automatically: rowenge can create documents for code and operations automatically based on the code itself, comments and other metadata. 
  • Natural Language Creation: rowenge uses natural language creation to create documents that are easy to read and understand. 
  • collaboration features: allows developers to collaborate and share documents with their peers. 
  • version control: tracks changes in documents and allows developers to revert to previous versions.                   
  • search: rewing.ai allows developers to search their documents for keywords and phrases.

6)Hugging face for natural language processing: 

Is an open source software company that provides a set of tools and resources for processing NLP natural languages. 

A convenient option for developers who are building NLP applications.

Key features: 

  • pre-trained models: hugging face provides a library of pre-trained language models that can be used for various language programming tasks. 
  • data set: hugging provides a library of datasets for NLP tasks. This set is characterized by systematicity and ease of use. 
  • tools: we provide tools for the development of NLP, such as tokens, converters and training scripts.

7)Fig Stack for code understanding:

It is a code reading tool powered by artificial intelligence that can help developers understand code written in any language. It uses various techniques, including machine learning and natural language processing.

Key features:

  • explain the code: Fig Stack can explain the code in natural language, which makes it easier for developers to understand what the code does.
  • code analysis: the tool can analyze the code in search of possible errors, security gaps and performance problems.
  • create code documents: Fig Stack can create documents for code instructions, including documents for functions and categories.
  • code translation: it can translate code from one language to another.
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